

Transforming Lives, Shaping Futures

Part of what makes the Glenrose so special is the hospital’s dedicated staff. Dean is a Physiotherapist in the Spinal Cord Injury Unit who has[...]

18-year-old Hussain was diagnosed at birth with Cerebral Palsy. From the time he was three-years-old he was a patient at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital and[...]

Recently our President & CEO, Miranda Jordan-Smith was featured on Trending. Watch below to learn more about the Glenrose Foundation and the work we do.


This year marked the 25th anniversary of the Glenrose Foundation. As a charitable organization, the Foundation regularly reports back to the community on the impact[...]

It’s National Philanthropy Day! Thanks to everyone who supports their community through investments of time and donations, we couldn’t do this without you. Enjoy this[...]

Jordan recently learned to do wheelies in her wheelchair, an impressive trick she is proud to demonstrate. The 9-year-old has Giant Axonal Neuropathy, a rare,[...]

Kendra has spent the last few years travelling the world, earning a geology degree, completing her yoga teaching certificate, skiing and otherwise enjoying life. In[...]


Guy knew as soon as he hit the ground that it wasn’t good; he couldn’t move at all. The father of five had been trimming[...]

It was almost seven years ago that Adam lost both of his legs as the result of being hit by a train while at work.[...]

Jordan’s life was changed forever when he was at work on the highway, getting ready to repair a pothole. He was climbing into the back[...]

For the first few months of her life Avery was hitting all of her milestones. When she was 6-months-old she suffered a seizure and her[...]

The sound of birds chirping, a plane flying overhead, the laughter of a loved one. For Caroline Schwabe, none of these sounds were distinct. Talking[...]

You never think that it will be your family that is rocked by a medical misfortune. The Parsons family never dreamed of the journey their[...]

Imagine never being able to tell someone that you love them. Never being able to voice how much you appreciate your loved ones and how[...]

Recognized as a social butterfly amongst her family and friends, Lana is a vibrant young woman who enjoys bringing people together. In 2014, Lana’s life[...]