

Jordan Lockwood 2019 Courage Award Winner

Jordan’s life was changed forever when he was at work on the highway, getting ready to repair a pothole. He was climbing into the back of his truck when someone who had fallen asleep at the wheel drove straight into him at 80 km/h. Crushed against his truck, Jordan received multiple injuries and needed an amputation above his right knee, and reconstruction on his left leg.

After over two months in the U of A Hospital, Jordan was transferred to the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital where he began intensive rehabilitation therapy. Jordan had two main goals when he arrived at the Glenrose – to be able to walk 1 km with a cane, and to be able to drive a car with modifications. With hard work and dedication, Jordan reached those goals. Jordan’s outlook always remained positive and he has worked incredibly hard, which was inspirational to those around him struggling with their own challenges.

Today Jordan’s future looks bright, even pursuing a new career in computer sciences. Jordan can be heard saying that he believes “more good came out of this than bad,” a testament to his courageous and optimistic spirit.

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