

Transforming Lives, Shaping Futures

At the 18th annual Courage Awards, held in November 2023, Russ Walker was recognized with the Impact Award. Russ has dedicated his life to serving[...]

When most people imagine their life at 27, they don’t picture having a severe stroke that steals their mobility and their identity too. But that’s[...]

Child Life Month March is Child Life Month, a chance to celebrate child life specialists, professionals that help kids cope with their hospital experience to[...]

In October 2021, Jan’s life changed drastically when she was riding her horse, Wager, at Elk Island National Park. Wager was spooked by a group[...]

Meet the 2022 Courage Award Recipients Each year staff at the Glenrose Hospital nominate their patients for a Courage Award. The criteria for nomination includes[...]

People are shocked when they learn that Mandy had a stroke at 36. It was something she never thought would happen to her. Mandy’s stroke[...]

Each year the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) recognizes those who contribute their time, talent and financial support to charitable organizations. In 2022, the Glenrose[...]

Canadian Blockchain Consortium Members Come Together to Support the Brain-Computer Interface Program at the Glenrose Hospital The Canadian Blockchain Consortium held its annual Canadian Blockchain[...]

After a car accident in 2010, Stephanie’s legs were amputated. She recently underwent a state-of-the-art surgical procedure called osseointegration which improves function and mobility to[...]

Cryptocurrency donations the focus of Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation CEO Mark Korthuis’ presentation at upcoming Alberta Technology Symposium Edmonton, Alberta, April 14 2022— Glenrose Rehabilitation[...]

Toby’s Rehab Journey Toby’s mom, Mignon, shares her family’s story: We started the pandemic in the worst way possible when our little boy had a[...]