

Courage Award Winner Jordan

One minute nine year old Jordan was thriving while enjoying outdoor fun and the next she was suffering intense headache pain and dizziness. Within four hours she succumbed to a coma that lasted three days. Doctors discovered a blood clot between her brain and spinal cord which caused a hemorrhagic stroke. Following emergency brain surgery she arrived at the Glenrose with a feeding tube, impaired vision and an inability to walk, speak or follow commands. Numerous tests revealed an infection in her brain and little body, requiring another brain surgery.

A self-proclaimed Anaheim Ducks fan, she chose to push past her fears re-learning how to swallow and enjoy food again. She gradually progressed from using a wheelchair, to parallel bars, to people assisting her and, with great joy, achieved independent walking. She also found her voice again, starting with whispers, then full speech and even singing. She completed all the therapeutic activities along her rehab journey and came to be known as spunky, determined and motivated. “I hope to skip rope again and might become a hairdresser.”

“Jordan’s warm smile and bubbly personality encouraged and inspired other children on Unit 201 and staff. Her positive outlook on life gave her the strength she needed to continue to give  all of herself each and every day during her  journey of healing while at  the Glenrose.” Luciana, Megan, Kristin, Lori, Jessica, Dr. Randall, Kathy

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