

Courage Award Winner Elsie

Elsie was a caregiver to her beloved husband for several years. Following his passing, her health deteriorated, and with severe diarrhea and hallucinations she was admitted to a local hospital. A total of 16 months, three different hospitals and four different doctors saw her through kidney failure and bowel surgery. Her faith and her family helped her rise above these challenges and together they created a “Tour de Elsie” with goals each day for her to complete.

One day she saw clearly that no one else would do it for her and she had so much to live for. Elsie started to embrace the therapies that taught her how to adapt and tackle the obstacles before her. She found renewed joy and strength in supporting other patients around her. Her dedication has allowed her to return home, drive once again, play with her grandchildren and attend both her niece’s and son’s weddings. She hopes to travel to Victoria Island once again, has taken up knitting and embraces one day at a time. “If I can bring a smile to someone’s face or offer them encouragement it’s all worth it.”

“Our team was blessed to be a part of Elsie’s courageous journey. Elsie is an amazing and inspirational person to all those that she touches. We wish her continued health and happiness in the future.” Dianne, Nicole, Margaret, Kent, Kim, Dr. Mocanu, Krista

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