

Adam Knox 2019 Courage Award Winner

It was almost seven years ago that Adam lost both of his legs as the result of being hit by a train while at work. Since then he has had to relearn how to walk using prostheses. For most people, walking on two prostheses would be incredibly difficult, but Adam approached the challenge with courage and determination. Through difficult physical and emotional setbacks Adam maintained his ‘never say never’ attitude and overcame anything in his way. His care team at the Glenrose continues to be amazed by his excellent outlook and the impact it has made on his own rehabilitation journey, as well as the impact he has on others.

Today Adam volunteers his time speaking to new amputees about what their future holds and what challenges and setbacks they can expect, as well as what they have to look forward to. He uses his witty sense of humour to keep others positive and laughing through their rehabilitation journeys. Now in university, Adam is studying kinesiology and hopes to deliver adaptive sports to people who have a disability.

“In his journey of recovery he has overcome many barriers to return to a very full life. He is truly an example of what determination and courage can do.” Andreas Donauer, Prosthetist/Orthotist

Watch Adam’s Courage Award video here.

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