
National Philanthropy Day 2020

Group of people holding a sign that says we give to the glenrose

National Philanthropy Day

Each year the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) recognizes those who contribute their time, talent and financial support to charitable organizations. This year, the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation is proud to celebrate the contributions of two groups on the advancement of rehabilitation.

Spinal Cord Injury Centre Society

For many years the Spinal Cord Injury Centre Society (SCITCS) has supported the Glenrose Hospital and the patients who have a spinal cord injury. In fact, they have held a monthly pizza night for patients and their families on the spinal cord injury unit for the last 30 years. In 2019 SCITCS generously donated an Xcite therapy system. This state-of-the-art equipment is used with people who have a neurological loss of function to promote muscle strengthening and movement and allows patients to work on precise fine motor control and dexterity while providing Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, (FES). Thanks to SCITCS and their generosity, patients receiving treatment on the Xcite are setting new goals for themselves and accomplishing things that once seemed impossible, such as feeding themselves.

Courage Gala Committee

The Courage Gala is the largest annual fundraising event in support of the patients and their families at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. This award-winning event wouldn’t be possible without the exceptional expertise, community influence and hard work of our Courage Gala committee.

The 2020 Courage Gala committee was no exception, despite the curveball they were handed less than one month from the Courage Gala, originally scheduled for April 3, 2020. During their term on the committee, they made many phone calls, held face-to-face meetings and sent hundreds of emails with the sponsors, attendees, and raffle ticket purchasers. The collective mind of the Courage Gala committee always came together at committee meetings, finding the most unique and innovative ideas to hold an event unlike any other in Edmonton.

On March 13, 2020, the biggest challenge yet faced the Courage Gala committee – COVID 19. They quickly came together and made the decision that was best for the community, which was to postpone and then ultimately cancel the 2020 Courage Gala. Despite their disappointment that the event was cancelled, the Courage Gala committee continued to support the fundraising efforts by confirming sponsorships and securing donations. They never let the situation deter them from their goal of helping patients at the Glenrose Hospital live the best lives possible.

Thank you SCITCS and Courage Gala committee and congratulations on your recognition!

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